

What is mental stress?  Stress is a reaction that can happen on a physical as well as a mental level. This happens when we face a change or a challenge. Stress is the normal part of life. Mental tension and stress has to come and it is inevitable and nobody can escape from it. We face stress in our day-to-day activities of life. Therefore, it is important to master the skill to manage stress.  To manage stress you will have to develop  healthy coping mechanisms in such a way that the impact of stress is minimum on your physical and mental well-being.  Following are some of the important ways to manage your stress.  Ways to manage stress 1- Recognize the causes of your stress  with the help of the stress-journal - Make a stress journal and keep the daily record. This journal should have information and like the causes of your stress, your feelings, your coping actions and how you felt after coping. List all the triggers of your stress for analysis.  2- Stop overthinking and overanalyzin

Signs of low self-esteem

Signs of low self-esteem What is self-esteem?  Self-esteem is your own evaluation of yourself. It is what you are thinking and believing about your own abilities, competence, capabilities and worthiness. Your self-esteem involves your sense of identity, purpose and belonging.  Causes of low self-esteem Unhappy childhood due to parents and environment like childhood abuse Continuous discouragement by peers, teachers, parents or spouse Faced bullying in childhood Negative thinking about self body image Self criticism due to negative comparison Academic performance in schools was bad leading to lack of self-confidence Financial trouble Breakdown in close relationship Abusive and poor treatment by parents Unfair treatment by partner Physical disabilities Chronic or serious medical problems Continuous stressful conditions Social anxiety Maximum consistent failures and minimum successes in life Unsuccessful professional and business career Signs  of low self-esteem 1- Lack of confidence even

How to boost your self-esteem

What is self-esteem?  Self-esteem is your positive or negative evaluation of yourself. It is the opinion or belief you have about your own abilities, attributes, capabilities and personality characteristics. Self-esteem is how you value, like or perceive yourself as a person.  It can also be defined as the ratio of your successes and failures in your life. It means if your successes are more and your failures are quite less, then your self-esteem will be more. Your self-esteem is made of following elements- Your self-confidence Your sense of identity Your sense of belonging Your self-belief in your abilities and competence Security Your sense of purpose Personal integrity Self-responsibility Self-assertiveness Self-worth How to boost self-esteem 1- Write and record your achievements- This is the most effective step to boost your self-esteem. Take pen and paper. Write your personal achievements from childhood to today. It may be educational performance, sports, arts, music etc in school

Benefits of mindfulness

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is the practice of bringing the attention to the present moment. It involves to be fully aware where you are and what you are feeling, thinking or experiencing at the present moment.  Benefits of mindfulness 1- Reduces stress and anxiety - With regular practice of mindfulness, you become much more aware about your feelings and thoughts. This calms your mind and helps manage your stress and anxiety.  2- Reduces depression - Practicing mindfulness has been found to be of great help in reducing depressive symptoms among those who are in active depression.  3- Improves emotional regulation - When you practice mindfulness daily and regularly, you become fully aware of your emotions and feelings.  You identify and face your emotions without any judgements and reactions. This helps emotional regulation.  4- You are more happy - When we practice mindfulness, at that time the worries of the past and the imaginations future go away from our mind. We start living

How to practice mindfulness

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is your ability to be fully present in the moment. It means you maintain moment-by-moment awareness of your body sensations, feelings, thoughts and surrounding environment. It means you are fully aware what you are and what you are doing. You are just observing and watching, not overreacting on what is going on around you or you are aware and non-judgemental. Thus it is a conscious awareness of yourself and your surrounding.  If you are mindful, you are in the present and you are accepting your emotions, feelings and thoughts without being judgemental or without telling it good or bad.  How to practice mindfulness 1- Fix a time-slot for mindfulness meditation in your daily routine -  The first thing you need to do before starting mindfulness meditation is to set aside a certain time for it. Setting aside a specific time makes it much easier to make mindful meditation a habit. 2- Perform mindful stretching exercise for 3-5 minutes - By doing 3 to 5 minu

How to increase self-confidence

Self-confidence means believing in yourself.  Someone's self-confidence keeps on increasing or decreasing according to his personality and circumstances. If you lack confidence, it means that you are afraid of something or you are nervous and you haven't got the guts to do that thing. It may also happen that you have an inferiority complex and you are afraid to do that work. It means that you lack self-confidence. Sometimes it happens that a person's self-confidence becomes too much.  This is called overconfidence.  Both things are wrong. Confidence should not be too low and should not be overconfident. How to increase your confidence when it is very low? Some tips are given below to increase your confidence, you need to pay attention to it. Tips for increasing self-confidence 1- Talk positively to yourself- The biggest reason for low self-confidence is that we think negatively about ourselves.Talk positively to yourself about yourself.  Don't underestimate yourself. Yo

How to start journaling

What is journaling?  Writing down your thoughts and feelings daily on a regular basis in a diary is called as journaling. It is a scientific process and with its continuous practice, you can control your emotions very well.  The best way to get rid of negative emotions is to express them in front of someone and release them. Some of our feelings are such that we cannot express them in front of anyone. In such a situation, if I do not express negative emotions in front of anyone, even if I write in the diary, then it is equivalent to expressing. This is the reason why we feel lighter after journaling our negative emotions and our stress is gone. Benefits of journaling 1- Reduces mental stress 2- Reduces anxiety and depression 3- Improved mental health 4- Boosts control on emotions by identifying negative emotions.  5- Increases self-confidence 6- Helps identify strengths and weaknesses 7- Helps setting SMART goals 8- Helps achieving goals by continuous monitoring of it's progress an


We feel tense because we do not live with the present. We live either with the agonies of the past or with the big tensions of the future. This is the reason of our most of the worries.  Staying with the present moment helps us live life more joyful, more optimistic, less depressed and more satisfied. It helps us deal with pain more effectivlely, reduce our stress and decrease it's impact on health. We are able to cope with our negative emotions like fear and anger. Being in the present moment, we have more control over our thoughts.  There are many tips to become fully present at the present moment.  1- Spend time with nature to improve your focus - Visit the places of natural beauty and spend time with nature. Observe nature and your surroundings and focus on it. It may be tree, sky, birds or anything. Nature is the best healer and keeps us at the present moment.  2- Practice deep breathing - Sit down comfortably, close your eyes and start deep breathing. Count your breath cycle.