
Showing posts from May, 2008


One of my friends had told me story about  fear related problems he faced. I was motivated to write this blog based on his experiences. We have similar unique problems depending upon our own experiences and prevailing situations and atmosphere which is different for different person.   My friend  was having fear of unforseen bad results in facing and dealing with the situations and dangers of future. He was unable to take decisions at cruicial moments due to those unforeseen fears.  What is fear?  Fear is an unpleasant strong emotional reaction  which is caused by anticipation or awareness of danger or threat. Fear is something a person feels afraid of. We fear things or situations that make us feel unsafe or unsure. Fear arises with the threat of harm, either physical, emotional or psychological,  real or imagined.  Causes of Fear 1- Ignorance or distorted perception of reality is the main cause of fear. In most of the cases, fear is imaginary and is far from the reality.   2- Forese


Every one of us is running for success. Success is generally defined as reaching a pre-defined goal or accomplishing something we have set out to achieve. Success provides self-confidence, sense of security,  ability to contribute at a greater level, hope for future and capability of leadership.   Here sre some of steps and procedures which looks conservative, but very very effective to reach to the goal-  1- Focus on yourself and identify what success means to you - Focus on yourself, your aspatalons, desires and needs. Be aware what success means to you. Prioritize your own needs and desires rather than those of other people. Identify your purpose and ultimate goal. Spend time and energy, thoughts and actions that help you to  know your goal.  2 - Set goals and write it down - Goal-setting is very important because it aligns your focus and energy to plan and act and sustain the momentum fully to achieve the goals. Goals must be SMART


Go setting is a process in which an individual or a group sets some goals, targets, aims or objectives to complete. Goal setting involves having a complete picture of the goal in your mind as well as how to accomplish that goal.  An ideal goal setting involves complete action plan, resources to be used, monitoring plan and process to handle possible obstacles.  Goal setting gives direction to our life.  Why most people don't set goals It is seen that most people don't set goals. After many researches, following reasons are found for not setting goals- 1-  Pessimistic approach 2- Fear of failure 3- Ignorance about importance of goals 4- Lack of knowledge about goal setting 5- Lack of ambition 6- No self-esteem 7- Feeling of rejection Reasons ol not achieving goals 1- Not written down 2- Not having any rewards for yourself 3- Unrealistic goals 4- Frequent change ol goals 5- No accountability 6- No timeline Preparations before goal setting List your self-assessment details - Note


Spirituality is our search for ultimate meaning and purpose of life. It is our search for personal growth and search for our inner dimensions. It is recognition of feeling that there is something greater than ourselves and we are part of divine nature.  The goal of a spiritual person is to be loving to oneself and others. His conviction is that all are one and he works for everyone's welfare and stays away from harmful activities. A spiritual person is filled with holy desires and purposespurposes and he has sense of connection to a higher state onatur, other people, humanity or nature.  Physical, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual levels of personality To understand the spirituality, let us analyze our personality.  We can consider four levels of our personality- 1-The Physical Level 2-The Mental Level 3-The Intellectual level 4-The Spiritual Level Physical Level- When we are at phisical level , we try to search happiness in physical objects. Our body works like an instrument by w


 More important than the happiness that we get after achieving our target is that we should be happy during the journey as well.  We always like success in life. We want smooth and joyful journey to success. In normal situations, we have to face and feel stress, disappointment and sorrow in this journey. The success is most joyful when it is joyful in every activity of journey.  Tips to make journey joyful 1- Visualize the success-     When we visualize the success of a goal, it means that we are conveying the success to our subconscious mind.   When our words reach the subconscious mind, it means that what we wish for actually starts happening. When we visualize success, at that time, whatever process is necessary for success, we see that it gets completed successfully. In this way we practice to complete the target. Thus visualization helps us practice success which helps in improving our confidence and we feel happiness. When     visualize the success happening, we believe that it c